
import R from "./ramda.js";
 * Connect4.js is a module to model and play "Connect Four" and related games.
 * @namespace Connect4
 * @author A. Freddie Page
 * @version 2021/22
const Connect4 = Object.create(null);

 * A Board is an rectangular grid that tokens can be placed into one at a time.
 * Tokens fill up empty positions from the bottom of a column upwards.
 * It is implemented as an array of columns (rather than rows) of tokens
 * (or empty positions)
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @typedef {Connect4.Token_or_empty[][]} Board

 * A token is a coloured disk that players place in the grid.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @typedef {(1 | 2)} Token

 * Either a token or an empty position.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @typedef {(Connect4.Token | 0)} Token_or_empty

 * A set of template token strings for {@link Connect4.to_string_with_tokens}.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @enum {string[]}
 * @property {string[]} default ["0", "1", "2"] Displays tokens by their index.
 * @property {string[]} disks ["⚫", "🔴", "🟡"]
 * Displays tokens as coloured disks.
 * @property {string[]} zombies ["🟫", "🚧", "🧟"]
 * Displays tokens as zombies and barricades.
Connect4.token_strings = Object.freeze({
    "default": ["0", "1", "2"],
    "disks": ["⚫", "🔴", "🟡"],
    "zombies": ["🟫", "🚧", "🧟"]

 * Create a new empty board.
 * Optionally with a specified width and height,
 * otherwise returns a standard 7 wide, 6 high board.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {number} [width = 7] The width of the new board.
 * @param {number} [height = 6] The height of the new board.
 * @returns {Connect4.Board} An empty board for starting a game.
Connect4.empty_board = function (width = 7, height = 6) {
    return R.repeat(R.repeat(0, height), width);

 * This helper function takes a board, and for each column, returns either
 * the column's index if it has free slots, or `-1` if it is full.
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board to label.
 * @returns {number[]} Array containing the column index if free or `-1` if full
const label_free_columns = R.addIndex(, index) => (
    R.includes(0, column)
    ? index
    : -1

 * Returns an array of which column numbers are free to place a token in.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board to check for free columns.
 * @returns {number[]} An array of column indices of free columns.
Connect4.free_columns = R.pipe(

 * Returns if a game has ended,
 * either because a player has won or the board is full.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board to test.
 * @returns {boolean} Whether the game has ended.
Connect4.is_ended = function (board) {
    return (
        Connect4.is_winning_for_player(1, board) ||
        Connect4.is_winning_for_player(2, board) ||
        Connect4.free_columns(board).length === 0

const player_has_win_in_column = function (player) {
    return function (column) {
        return R.includes(
            [player, player, player, player],
            R.aperture(4, column)

const player_has_vertical_win = function (player, board) {
    return R.any(player_has_win_in_column(player), board);

const player_has_horizontal_win = function (player, board) {
    return player_has_vertical_win(player, R.transpose(board));

const negative_stagger = function (board) {
    const column_count = board.length;
    return (column, index) {
        return [
            ...R.repeat(0, index),
            ...R.repeat(0, column_count - 1 - index)

const positive_stagger = R.pipe(R.reverse, negative_stagger, R.reverse);

const player_has_positive_diagonal_win = function (player, board) {
    return player_has_horizontal_win(player, positive_stagger(board));

const player_has_negative_diagonal_win = function (player, board) {
    return player_has_horizontal_win(player, negative_stagger(board));

 * Returns if the board is in a winning state for any player.
 * A board is won for a player if that player has four tokens in a row,
 * either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, at any position on the board.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {(1 | 2)} player Which player to check has a win.
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns if the board is in a winning state
 * for the specified player.
Connect4.is_winning_for_player = function (player, board) {
    return (
        player_has_vertical_win(player, board) ||
        player_has_horizontal_win(player, board) ||
        player_has_positive_diagonal_win(player, board) ||
        player_has_negative_diagonal_win(player, board)

 * Returns which player is the next to make a ply for a board.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board to check.
 * @returns {(1 | 2)} The player next to play.
Connect4.player_to_ply = function (board) {
    const flattened_board = R.flatten(board);
    return (
        ) === R.count(
        ? 1
        : 2

 * A ply is one turn taken by one of the players.
 * Return a new board after a player places a token in a specified column.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.Token} token The token to be added to the board.
 * @param {number} column_index The column the player adds the token to
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board state that the ply is made on.
 * @returns {(Connect4.Board | undefined)} If the ply was legal,
 *   return the new board, otherwise return `undefined`.
Connect4.ply = function (token, column_index, board) {
    if (Connect4.is_ended(board)) {
        return undefined;
    if (Connect4.player_to_ply(board) !== token) {
        return undefined;
    const row_index = R.indexOf(0, board[column_index]);
    if (row_index === undefined) {
        return undefined;
    return R.update(
        R.update(row_index, token, board[column_index]),

 * Returns the size of a board as an array of [width, height].
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board to check the size of.
 * @returns {number[]} The width and height of the board, [width, height].
Connect4.size = function (board) {
    return [board.length, board[0].length];

const replace_tokens_in_slot = (token_strings) => (token) => (
    token_strings[token] || token

const replace_tokens_on_board = function (token_strings) {
    return function (board) {
        return, board);

 * Returns a {@link Connect4.to_string} like function,
 * mapping tokens to provided string representations.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {string[]} token_strings
 * Strings to represent tokens as. Examples are given in
 * {@link Connect4.token_strings}
 * @returns {function} The string representation.
Connect4.to_string_with_tokens = (token_strings) => (board) => R.pipe(
    R.transpose, // Columns to display vertically.
    R.reverse, // Empty slots at the top.
    replace_tokens_on_board(token_strings)," ")), // Add a space between each slot.
    R.join("\n") // Stack rows atop each other.

 * Returns a string representation of a board.
 * I.e. for printing to the console rather than serialisation.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.Board} board The board to represent.
 * @returns {string} The string representation.
Connect4.to_string = Connect4.to_string_with_tokens(["0", "1", "2"]);

const winning_indices_in_column = function (column) {
    let streak = 1;
    let starting_index = 0;
    let last_token = 0;
    // some is like forEach, but will escape early if you return true.
    column.some(function (token, index) {
        if (token !== 0 && token === last_token) {
            streak += 1;
        if (streak >= 4) {
            starting_index = index - streak;
            return true;
        streak = 1;
        last_token = token;
    if (streak < 4) {
        return [];
    return R.range(starting_index, starting_index + streak);

const winning_vertical_slots = function (board) {
    return board.flatMap(function (column, column_index) {
        return winning_indices_in_column(column).map(
            (row_index) => [column_index, row_index]

const winning_horizontal_slots = function (board) {
    return winning_vertical_slots(R.transpose(board)).map(function ([r, c]) {
        return [c, r];

const winning_positive_diagonal_slots = function (board) {
    return winning_horizontal_slots(positive_stagger(board)).map(
        function ([c, r]) {
            return [c, r - (board.length - 1 - c)];

const winning_negative_diagonal_slots = function (board) {
    return winning_horizontal_slots(negative_stagger(board)).map(
        function ([c, r]) {
            return [c, r - c];

 * For a board that is won,
 * returns the coordinates (col, row) of slots contributing to the win.
 * Will return more than four coordinates if there is a win along multiple axes,
 * or a longer streak than four in a row.
 * Returns the empty array if the board is not won.
 * @memberof Connect4
 * @function
 * @param {Connect4.board} board The board to analyse.
 * @returns {number[][]} An array of coordinates.
Connect4.winning_slots = function (board) {
    return R.dropRepeats([

// const print = function (board) {
//     console.log(Connect4.to_string_with_tokens(
//         Connect4.token_strings.zombies
//     )(board));
//     return board;
// };
// debugger;

export default Object.freeze(Connect4);